Beautiful Car Alert – Alfa Romeo Disco Volante

If there’s one thing the Italians are good at, apart from football, food, fashion and organised crime, it’s cars – or more specifically, sexy cars. Sure there are exceptions but their hit rate when it comes to good looking cars is pretty remarkable.
The latest drool inducing masterpiece is the Disco Volante (Flying Saucer). The first Disco Volante concept came about in 1952 in three different styles – they were all spectacular. Now there’s a new one and it’s pretty tasty, too. It’s based on the 8C Competizione which, let’s be honest, wasn’t exactly beaten with the ugly stick either and it has a 4.7l V8 which sounds like a satisfied bear swallowing a particularly silky pot of golden honey. So all good then?
Well, not entirely. You see the Disco V has a production run of just one so far. There are 499 more to be built on an ‘on demand’ basis with each car taking 4000 man hours to build. That’s great but will be really, really expensive which means the only people who can afford one will be tasteless billionaires and the Sultan of Brunei, who’ll probably buy all of them anyway.
So look, enjoy, dream and then climb into your Alfa 156 with the dodgy gearbox and gently come back down to earth.
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