Complaints Process

This complaints process is only for customers that financed through Turners with MTF.  This would only apply to finance prior to February 2019.

Step 1 – Please discuss your problem with us and we will try to resolve it.
Step 2 – If you are unhappy with the response from Step 1, please complete this Complaint Form which details your concerns. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, investigate the matter and inform you of the outcome.
Step 3 – If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of our internal complaints process, we will issue a Letter of Deadlock so that you can refer your complaint to the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) Scheme Inc. We are a participant of the IFSO scheme which is a free, independent and external dispute resolution scheme. You can contact IFSO by phoning 0800 888 202 or (04) 499 7612 or by writing to PO Box 10845, Wellington 6143. You'll find additional information at