Your search returned 14 results in Trucks & Machinery

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1 - 14 of 14
  • 1
Vehicle Type Transporter Trailer
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Christchurch
Odometer -
Online Auction
Current Bid $19,000
Closes On 31 Jul 24
Vehicle Type Curtainsider B-Train
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Richmond, Nelson
Odometer -
Start Date 29 Jul 24
End Date 14 Aug 24
Vehicle Type Curtainsider Semi
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Christchurch
Odometer -
Start Date 29 Jul 24
End Date 14 Aug 24
Vehicle Type
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Odometer -
Start Date 29 Jul 24
End Date 14 Aug 24
Vehicle Type
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Christchurch
Odometer -
Start Date 29 Jul 24
End Date 14 Aug 24
Vehicle Type Skeletal Semi
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location New Plymouth
Odometer -
Start Date 29 Jul 24
End Date 14 Aug 24
Vehicle Type Curtainsider Full
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Christchurch
Odometer -

*Includes GST (if applicable) and Buyers Fees

Vehicle Type Flat Deck Semi
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Timaru
Odometer -

*Includes GST (if applicable) and Buyers Fees

Vehicle Type Tipper Trailer
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Christchurch
Odometer -

*Includes GST (if applicable) and Buyers Fees

Vehicle Type Flat Deck B-Train
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Wellington
Odometer -
Pricing coming soon. Email the consultant to find out more
Vehicle Type Flat Deck B-Train
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Auckland
Odometer -
Pricing coming soon. Email the consultant to find out more
Vehicle Type Flat Deck B-Train
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Palmerston North
Odometer -
Pricing coming soon. Email the consultant to find out more
Vehicle Type Curtain/Chiller B-Train
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Richmond, Nelson
Odometer -
Pricing coming soon. Email the consultant to find out more
Vehicle Type Skeletal Semi
Transmission -
Drive Type -
Engine -
Fuel Type -
Location Turners Auckland Trucks
Odometer -

*Includes GST (if applicable) and Buyers Fees

1 - 14 of 14
  • 1