Website Change Log

17-07-2013 - Version 

  • Cache Performance
    • Turners Live in some rare cases would invalidate the cache on both servers, when it should have only invalidated the cache on the current server
  • Cash Now
    • Send the logged in User ID as part of the request
    • Animated Scroll down the page when the user selects Car or Damaged
  • Number of Listings for an Auction – Jira – WEB-395
    • The Auctions “Num Lots” field should reflect the number of goods in that Auction on the website
  • Security Popup on Info Now
    • The Facebook test added last week was hard coded to http instead of using the browsers current protocol
  • Credit Card Exception – Jira – WEB-366
    • A number of exceptions were being seen in the error logs when a user tried to register and add their credit card at the same time. Cause appeared to be session timeout, so we have updated the Registration process so that session is not required

17-07-2013 - Version

Replace the current business logic around the import of classifications to use the common Database View from the MaRS team which is already used within MaRS, and on the SlideShow tool as well. It will ensure that the correct classification data is shown and that the data shown is consistent across Turners apps.

10-07-2013 - Version

  • Correct Browse Cars by Features
  • Script Timeout for internal users (firewall blocking Facebook)
  • Print Catalogue – Odometer Units not displaying
  • Print Catalogue – Hide Buy Now
  • Print Catalogue - De-Registered feature needs mapping
  • History needs to be implemented on Info Now
  • On paging the browser should return to the top of the list
  • Quantity for General Goods is not working
  • Odometer shouldn’t always be set

28-06-2013 - Version 1.02.11

  • Cash Now Form
    • Google Analytics Events added to allow Goals to be tracked within Google Analytics for when users start the form, and complete it using Car or complete it using Damaged.
  • Auctions Homepage AJAX update (Jira – Web-320)
    • The auction homepages were making an additional Ajax request that caused additional complexity. This was re-written to simplify the page for History.js implementation.
  • Auction Homepage History.js implementation (Jira – Web-320)
    • The Auction home pages were updated to save state during AJAX requests.
  • Auction Item page History.js implementation (Jira – Web-320)
    • The Auction Itempages were updated to save state during AJAX requests.
  • Back to Auction button on Goods (Jira – Web-320)
    • The Good pages were all updated to change the “Back to Search Results” button to “Back to Auction” if the user got to this page from an Auction page
  • Error during CompleteCreditCard process in Registration (Jira – Web-366)
    • There is an unknown error occurring during the CompleteCreditCard method in the Registration page. This release just includes additional debug logging in order to try and find the error.
  • Removal of duplicated logging information
    • Errors occurring in the Client Service AJAX Controllers were causing duplicate entries to be logged clogging up the error logs
  • Single Quotes in a Subcategory broke the Sub Category drop down (Jira – WEB-317)
    • The Subcategory of “RTD’s” under Category “Alcohol & Tobacco” would break the html and display a TextBox instead of the Checkbox and label

26-06-2013 - Version

  • Jira – WEB-345
    • Removal of Watchlist Orphans
  1. Ensure it is removed from the users watchlist
  • Page Provider – Downgrading missing item from error to info
  1. Ensure that a 404 page is displayed
  2. Ensure that the event is not logged
  • Jira – WEB-346
    • Info Now – UI – Charges table was losing structure if a value was empty
  • Buyer Fees Update - Need to ensure that the correct buyer fees are maintained
  • Moving Goods Between Divisions
  1. View the good again on both servers – Both should show a 404 page
  2. Search for the good in the alternative division on both servers
  3. View the good on both servers
  • Cash Now Form
    • Some additional UI updates as requested by Annabel
  • Update the Caching mechanism – Load Balanced Servers not maintaining full data cache for goods
  1. View a good on WWW1
  2. Ensure Cache Tree for WWW1 notes the fully cached page
  3. View the good on WWW2
  4. Ensure Cache Tree for WWW2 notes the full cached page
  5. Ensure Cache Tree for WWW1 still has the fully cached version of the page, and not a partial version


29-05-2013 - Version

  • Print Catalogue Speed Issue
    • We have re-architected this solution to use the Search Index tables that we use for all searches on the site. We have had to extend each of the Car/Damaged/GeneralGood/Truck Index tables as well as the stored procedure for returning goods within an auction.
  • Saved Searches
    • We have updated the new goods entering the website to ensure that they update the CreatedOnDate field
    • We have updated the Saved Search due to a bug with “Other” being selected under Models not splitting the list of models correctly
  • Production SMTP
    • We have updated the configuration for Production servers to use the local SMTP server which should help with the number of failed emails we are (not) sending.
  • Page Provider
    • We have included additional logging to give us more information on finding the reason behind the missing CustomerID and ConsultantName fields in the LAI export.
  • Turners Adminsitration Pages
    • We have shifted the Search Data Sync and the Valuation Data Sync UI into the Turners Website Helpdesk menu

21-05-2013 - Version

  • Implementation of an Email Log
    • Included a UI to view all emails sent by the website
  • Print Catalogue for Auction Item pages
  • Saved Searches
    • Email updates
    • Fixed issue with General Goods and Trucks not saving all Search Facets
  • InfoNow
    • Detailed Report Column Order – This has not been updated, but we need to confirm if this is still an issue or not after the last release
    • Detail
      • Include Sale Price less Charges row – Jira 270
      • Remove Emails when a request is made due to the new implementation for emails within MaRS – Jira 279
      • Display negative storage costs
  • Change the “Sign up for…” text at the top of each page to be a link to the registration page
  • Ensure access is denied on all Info Now pages even if the user has another correct Organisation ID in the querystring 
  • General Goods Search
    • Display the Lot Number
  • General
    • We have made significant updates to all Property definitions within EPiServer in an effort to speed up Website Initialisation which is causing performance issues
    • Good Images that do not exist, or cause an error will default back to the No Image Image instead of causing an error
    • Move the Turners specific Administrator UI into a standard section to be easily accessible by the Helpdesk
  • Save Searches
    • Limited to 20 per person
    • Limited Name Length to ensure an errors don’t occur due to name being too long
    • Opt In/Out from the My Account page
  • Turners Helpdesk
    • UI works in IE
    • Secured in Web.Config to challenge users without Administrator rights
  • Print Catalogue
    • Javascript should automatically print the page when the Print Auction Catalogue page is opened
    • The “Print This Page” link at the bottom should open the Print Auction Catalogue page instead of using the standard print option
  • Sprite
    • Auction Item Pages were displaying a broken TU in blue on the far left of the page, and did not display the two icons for “Bid in person” and “Bid online with Turners Live”, in some versions of IE. Simon can provide more information if required.
  • Apple images
    • We have been receiving a number of 404’s for images that iOS use for bookmarking sites. This was configured correctly however Android apparently also use this configuration but don’t use it correctly, so I have placed the required images into the root of the site. Bookmarked images for work for correctly apple and android devices.


20-05-2013 - Emergency Hotfix

Remove EPiServer CMO modules as suspected to be cause of performance problems.

02-05-2013 - Version

  1. Info Now – Car Detail
    1. Comments are now broken up by the “|” character and placed into separate paragraphs
    2. The Total Charge field in Mobile view now aligns on the same line to the label
  2. Division Homepages – Upcoming Auction
    1. The scroll now does not hide an additional auction per scrolled page. IE. All auctions are correctly visible
  3. General Goods – Detail Page
    1. The “Goods” field now displays the full description of the good rather than the 100 character shortened version
    2. The “Comments” field now displays the comments rather than the full description
  4. All Detail Pages – Comments Field
    1. All comments are now split into paragraphs according to both the “|” and “;” characters
  5. LAI Export – Lot Numbers
    1. Goods without a Lot Number, or with a Lot number that does not parse to a number between 1 and 999 will be excluded from the export. This is to stop goods with a lot number such as “11-001” which breaks LAI.

30-04-2013 - Version

  1. InfoNow Search Page: Add link to the far right of the table, when clicked it will open the Detail Page in a new tab/window instead of within the current window
    1. As noted previously, the icon used for this was sourced from the internet and I have not investigated any copyright issues.
  2. InfoNow Search Page: Sorting now works via clicking on the headings instead of using the drop down list which has been hidden. Clicking a heading again will change the sort from ascending to descending
    1. As noted previously, there are 2 columns on the Unsold screen (Lot and Resp Party), and 2 columns on the Sold screen (Sale Price and Sales Commission) for which we do not have sort options for.
    2. Also, a minor point is that there is no feedback in the UI to tell the user which column it is currently sorted by, nor in what direction.
  3. InfoNow Report Page: Sorting of columns was not given as a requirement, however the sort order in the Search Page is maintained through to the Report Page now. Eg. A user searches for unsold goods in the last month. They then sort by Vendor Reference and click View Report. The report page will show all results, sorted by vendor reference. However, none of the column headings in the Report Page will be clickable in order to sort further.
  4. InfoNow Export: The columns have been ordered to resemble the pages from which they are exported. There are some minor differences but these are caused by additional columns in the export that aren’t on the view report, or the search page has a different column order to the view report page for the same columns.
  5. InfoNow Export: Added error reporting on UI when export fails.
  6. InfoNow Detail Page: Added DatePicker to the BookAnAuctionRequest for the Auction Date field.
  7. Turners Live Page:  Bid Button/Watch Button open in a new tab/window
  8. Good Detail Page: Some consultants were displaying the incorrect phone number.
  9. Turners Live Export: Remove duplicate image elements.
  10. Versioning of all javascript (.js) and style sheet (.css) files.

 19-04-2013 - Version

  1. Info Now Requests (various, mainly formating)
  2. User configurable number of items per page
  3. Finance Calculator Parameters
  4. Replacement of branch details with remote location details on Auction Page
  5. Replacement of viewing times with additional information for remote auctions on Auction Page
  6. Removal of “Location” field on Auction Catalogues for remote auctions
  7. Sorting of WatchLists according to Auction Date
  8. Back to Search button added to Damaged, Truck and General Good division item pages
  9. Removal of the “Http Headers already sent” exception being thrown multiple times in the error logs             

 11-04-2013 - Website Go-Live to the Public